Gestion de titres miniers - Mining claims management 


Our services

  • Renewal of mining titles on Gestim - CL, CDC, CM, BM etc. (Take on verification, preparation of online forms, submission and follow-up).
  • Reports verification (for eligibility under the Law and the regulations in strengths).
  • Assessment Work Declaration to MERN (Expenditure verification, compilation of expenditure by categories, preparation and filing forms to MERN and follow up).
  • Transfers of mining titles (preparation of forms, lists, submission to MERN and follow up).
  • Verification and follow up of conversion / substitution of staked claims (CL) received from MERN.
  • Follow up of expired claims available for staking on map -under request only
  • Lists of claims and updated maps with required works and renewals fees.
  • Follow up with the MERN of everything relating to mining titles.
  • Annual work report of the work done, following the application of Article 71.1 of Law.
  • Follow up of works credits expiration according to the Article 75 of Law.